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IAEC Project Proposal  Guidelines 

The NFGFHD is approved by CCSEA (Registration Number 1496/GO/ReBi/S/11/CPCSEA), and all new animal-related research proposals for IAEC clearance require the CCSEA “Form B” as per rule 8(a). The IAEC meets at least twice yearly to peruse these proposals and provide the necessary clearances for animal research activities.


Before the IAEC meeting, a Principal Investigator (PI) should submit the documents required by the IAEC at least three weeks before the proposed meeting date for consideration. Projects submitted after the deadline will be considered in the next meeting.

  • NEW PROJECTS – Please submit the Form B. 

  • RENEWAL PROJECTS – For ongoing projects reaching their “IAEC approved END date”; project renewal need to be submitted via “Form B” along with the yearly progress report.

  • AMENDMENTS IN THE PROJECTS – For minor modifications in the ongoing project, a duly filled amendment form with proper justification needs to be submitted.

  • APPROVED/ONGOING PROJECTS – Upon IAEC approval, an IAEC Yearly Progress Report along with the corresponding approved Form B needs to be submitted every year for yearly extension.

  • COMPLETED PROJECTS – For completed projects, please state the research proposal has been completed and that no extension is required in the IAEC Yearly Progress Report.



IAEC Protocol Amendment Form

IAEC Yearly Progress Report

Animal Requisition Form

IAEC Research Presentation Formate 

IAEC FORM D- Needs to be maintained by PI


National Facility for Gene Function in Health and Disease (NFGFHD), IISER Pune,

Dr. Homi Bhabha Road,

Pashan, Pune,

Maharashtra 411008, INDIA


Phone: 02025908438 or 02025908443

Acknowledgment and Publication 

For any publications involving NFGFHD facility resources, the users shall acknowledge the "National Facility for Gene Function in Health and Disease, IISER, PUNE  with generous support from  Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, (grant number BT/INF/22/SP17358/2016)”.

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