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User Orientation 

Prior to obtaining vivarium access, users need to follow the different NFGFHD related orientation and tutorial procedures. To register for these procedure, user needs to send an email request to Based on available slots users will be notify for orientation program.


Below are the major topics will be covered


  • Detailed orientation to facility, general animal care and management guidelines and animal restraining

  • Demos and hands on practice for different routes of injection, oral gavage, blood collection, necropsy and tissue collection

  • Hands on practice and final evaluation                                                                      

After successful completion of training program, vivarium access card will be issued to registered user and he/she can use the facility for experiment purpose.

Resources for Users 

User Orientation Programme 

Entry-Exit guidline 

ARRIVE guideline for publication of Animal Research 



National Facility for Gene Function in Health and Disease (NFGFHD), IISER Pune,

Dr. Homi Bhabha Road,

Pashan, Pune,

Maharashtra 411008, INDIA



Phone: 02025908438 or 02025908443

Acknowledgment and Publication 

For any publications involving NFGFHD facility resources, the users shall acknowledge the "National Facility for Gene Function in Health and Disease, IISER, PUNE  with generous support from  Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, (grant number BT/INF/22/SP17358/2016)”.


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